Month: March 2018

Pressing For Progress: A Discussion Meeting On The Gender Gap In Physics

Science is supposed to be an activity open to all people, regardless of their gender (or, for that matter, their class, ethnicity or caste).  However, the practice of science today across the globe falls short of this ideal. The disparity between men and women in the profession is high, especially in the physics discipline, both […]

Technology from the grassroots: What formal engineering can take away

Our broader work examines whether a good model for sustainability engineering could be developed by studying the practice of grassroots technology design, by both untrained as well as trained designers.

वैज्ञानिक स्वभाव और वैज्ञानिकों की भूमिका

वैज्ञानिक स्वभाव वास्तव में एक आदत है कि अंधविश्वास और अलौकिक शक्तियों को न मानें और निष्कर्ष तक पहुंचने और निर्णय लेने के लिए सबूतों, कारणों और तर्कों का सहारा लें। हमारे समाज में वैज्ञानिक स्वभाव की कमी क्यों है, क्यों अंधविश्वास और आस्थाएं इतने प्रचलित हैं, और हम इसके बारे में क्या कर सकते […]