
Special Collection: National Science Day 2025

On the occasion of National Science Day 2025, we present a collection of articles which discuss major issues that are relevant to the community of scientists, as well as society. Our constitution highlights the need to develop scientific temper among the people of the nation, but how far have we come towards attaining that goal, […]

Article Series: Academics Post COVID-19

Essays in this series discuss the plausibility of turning the crisis created by the ongoing COVID 19 Pandemic into opportunities while reorganizing academic research. The papers in this series will identify the problems and potential solutions to the current  academic uncertainties and think aloud about ways of reimagining knowledge production practices. What difficulties do researchers […]

Press Release Regarding Clinical Trials of a Vaccine Against SARS-Cov-2

IASc welcomes the exciting development of a candidate vaccine and wishes that the vaccine is quickly made available for public use. However, as a body of scientists – including many who are engaged in vaccine development – IASc strongly believes that the announced timeline is unfeasible.  This timeline has raised unrealistic hope and expectations in the minds of our citizens.

Article Series: Ethical Responsibilities of Academicians

What is the purpose of doing academics? What ought to be the ethical values which guide teaching, research, supervision and mentoring? How is academics relevant (or, how can it be relevant) in contemporary socio-economic, socio-political and cultural contexts? What is the ‘vocation’ of a teacher/researcher in contemporary times? Can we think about reorganizing and restructuring […]